Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012- 12 Days of Fiction: DAY 6!

Blood of Adam by Rachel Neal

Here's another Biblical fiction title for you! 
This time we take a look at the life of Noah through the eyes of his daughter-in-law, Denah. 
This unique perspective allows the reader to get a feel for what it must have been like to be part of Noah's family- a man the world mocked and belittled. Denah's struggles for acceptance and love are ones we all face.

 If you enjoy Tessa Afshar you will enjoy Rachel Neal. I happen to know she is working hard on Book 2 in the series.... I can't wait to read it. 

Back Cover:
Before the earth splinters into continents, before the first raindrops fall from the sky, only one family is destined for salvation. Denah is not among them by choice. Her husband is a disgrace, her sisters-in-law are cursed, and the family adheres to the rigid demands of an outdated God. Denah simply wants the life she deserves. She will follow her own forbidden path to fulfillment, encountering blackmail, jealousy, and betrayal along the way. What she deserves turns out to be far different than what she imagines, and she must face the tumultuous consequences of her decisions before the past and future of all mankind collide in the shadow of Noah's ark.

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